Sabtu, 23 April 2016

How to Meet Intelligence and Social Competence

Individual skills dominantly indicate the success of learning in the class. It can represent how much knowledge absorbed by every student. The implementation in doing exercise and paper emphasizes someone's score in his assessment (you can read  my research on exploring student's individual creativity by language metafunctions, see Mulia, 2016). However, students are living in social environment. Someone's knowledge may support him as a professional, but it is just considered in its realization among others as functional literacy involves our participations for building environment. 

The students are working collaboratively to manage the data they have into their argumentative essays. Group discussion arouses the dynamics of language activity for reaching goal. Communicative events and attitude affect reasonable result.

Individualism doesn't functionally work
So, what is required for meeting intelligence and social competence?
Working in group is not merely considered for simplifying teaching organization. Deeper from what we really see, communicative events happen, information exchanges perform continually until finally realized on discussion results, and the most essential thing is - social interaction.
Someone may be attributed as a smart guy. He is able to criticize, elaborate, and solve problem confidently. We can judge him such way, but the challenge is vast from just internal decision. That is  how he can manage variety, empathy, and tolerance. These aspects make us being part of society. As we know, human is social creature.

Transferring, sharing, and harmonizing information and knowledge
World is a full of ideas. The world is not only the real Earth we are living in, but also in the context of our environment: the person we collaborate, the profession we handle together, and the goal to reach.
In my classes, we perform multiple modes conducting : individual, group, and mutual intelligence. In this article, group discussion is my attention. This way implement each student's intelligence to sum the point they are discussing. Everyone has own background knowledge. Group discussion helps participants to catch the problem, formulate, solve, summarize, and draw conclusion.
In language perspective, you can feel that the information is expressed much in amounts while single point of view tends to apply by individual. Several group members give information and the others ask proposal. They are expressed to reach goals. The dynamics of group discussion also involve utterances in various ways such as giving recommendation, contrasting issue, proving details, and so on. They are all applied through  speech functions. The social skill helps organizing the amounts of information into relevant, cohesiveness, and coherence. Until the results are submitted, the processes have done at the time. Educator should appreciate it.
Language levels have done from field, tenor, and mode. Field is represented through ideation and logico-semantic, tenor by the participants with their language activities, and mode by the way of  maximizing discussion to reach the goals in the report.
Each student has knowledge and perspective who may be advanced on certain points. Working on group facilitates filling gaps among them both personal knowledge and social aspect. Making relationship of information expressed by each member has performed language levels to correspond staging and goal-oriented decision polished with humanity as the nature of social creature.

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