Jumat, 29 April 2016

Argumentative Essay Writing: Mid Semester Work!

 Do and Discuss with Your Group to Work on These Followings!
1.      Read the articles below based on your group.

     I.    English Education 4A Class

II. English Education 4C Class
2.      You have read the article. Now, answer these questions:
a.    What is the topic being talked about?
b.    Do you find multiple perspectives (e.g Good & Bad, Positive & Negative, or so on) ? Explain!
c.    Does the writer agree or disagree?
d.    Formulate the list of the writer’s agreement and/or disagreement.

3.      Discuss with your group to respond the article. Then, write argumentative essay writing!
4.      Post on your blog with this format: 

5.    Post your work NOT MORE THAN FRIDAY, MAY 13RD 2016

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